Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 30, 2006


Perasaan sayang yang kita miliki terhadap orang lain, entah itu orang tua, suami, anak, sahabat, atau siapa pun, membuat kita ingin selalu membahagiakan mereka. Rasanya ingin selalu bisa menghadirkan senyuman di wajah mereka.
Sayang nya diri ini begitu lemah, dan begitu banyak kekhilafan. Ada begitu banyak harapan mereka, orang - orang yang mencintai kita, yang rasanya tidak mampu kita wujudkan. Ada begitu banyak kelemahan dan kekhilafan kita yang terkadang menorehkan kesedihan di hati mereka.
Seandainya mereka tahu, bahwa hati kita hancur saat mereka meneteskan air mata karena kita. Seandainya mereka tahu, bahwa hati kita tersayat ketika mereka tersakiti, seandainya mereka tahu bahwa kita lah orang pertama yang meneteskan air mata ketika mereka bersedih.
Subhanallah, memang diri ini begitu lemah. Hanya mampu mengangkat kedua tangan, hanya mampu melantunkan seuntai do'a kepada Yang Maha Pemilik segala sesuatu.
Ya Allah, berikanlah hiburan untuk kesedihan mereka dan berikanlah pengganti yang jauh lebih baik bagi mereka untuk semua harapan mereka yang belum mampu hamba wujudkan.
To every one in my mind right now, May Allah shower you with His love, for the love that you shower me ...

Tertatih ...

Dan tertatih menjalani .. segala kehendak-Mu ya Rabbi ...
Ku berserah .. ku berpasrah .. Hanya pada-Mu ya Rabbi ..

The previous song lyrics might be the most appropriate description of how I feel now.
Tertatih …

I do belive that Allah has created the best path of life for every one of us. And I do believe that Allah is the mercyfull and He won’t abandon us. But I’m sure that every one must have their momments, when they felt a little bit tired or a little bit confused of what they are facing in life.

The gap between our hope and reality, the difference between what we expect and what God has given us, our life planning that sometimes don’t get inline with things that happened in our life, things that happened in our life that we could not comprehend, all of that must have decrease our patience somehow.

Tertatih …
I guess that’s the right word. Regardless all the tiredness, all the sadness, we still have to walk on the path of life that God has created. Still have to hold on to our faith, that somehow,someway, this is the best path of life for us. Still have to belive that tears are not forever, that the morning sun will always smile at us after a frighten dark, that the rainbow will comes after rain.

With all the faith, all the strength, and all the patience I have left, I wish I could still see all the things in life from an entire point of view, from all side. Including the bright side .. :-)